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Existen marcadas disparidades en la calidad del aire entre las comunidades de California, e incluso dentro de los límites de la ciudad de San Leandro.

Con el apoyo de la Junta de Recursos del Aire de California y el Distrito de gestión de la calidad del aire del Área de la Bahía, San Leandro 2050 está explorando cómo las personas que viven en vecindarios con baja calidad del aire ven las futuras amenazas del cambio climático.


Buscamos amplificar las voces de los residentes que viven en vecindarios donde la contaminación del aire contribuye a tasas desproporcionadamente altas de problemas de salud, como asma, enfermedades cardiovasculares y bajo peso al nacer.



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Build a Bike Network

  • San Leandro Transportation and Engineering

Elements SL50 will write into grants:

  • Update San Leandro’s bike/ped master plan to address:

    • Embedded equity (i.e., how do underserved neighborhoods benefit/connect into the network)?

    • Communicate the big picture process and implementation/funding strategy

    • What are the grant funding opportunities we need to pursue to get the bike network constructed?

    • What are the priorities of bike lanes we’ll be applying to grant funding (sequencing and order)

    • Commit 20 % of San Leandro’s BB transportation budget to assist bicycle network construction.  Current % ~2% and develop list of upcoming planning and implementation grants for Bikes.

  • Hire a full-time transportation planner who writes competitive grants, i.e., ATP (among other things)

  • Install more bike parking Citywide.



  • STEP

  • ATP

  • Reconnecting Communities (federal)

  • Community Change Grant



Improve the safety and resilience of San Leandro's Bike and Pedestrian Network

Elements SL50 will write into grants:

  • Install and/or enhance tree canopy in alignment with priority or protected bike lanes.

  • Construct slow street interventions identified via SL’s Vision Zero Plan

  • Get a traffic police division to slow speeding cars.


  • San Leandro Transportation and Engineering

  • San Leandro Police Dept



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Get K-12 San Leandro youth riding and walking to school.

Elements SL50 will write into grants:

  • Ensure all San Leandro schools have Safe Routes to School program

  • Create a bike/walk bus for getting kids to school

  • Create education materials for parents

  • Create an internship for high school students oriented around repair and build bike businesses

  • Create priority protected bike lanes and bike parking in and around schools.

Partners we will work with:


  • SLED

  • Safe routes to school

  • Bike Ped Advisory Committee

  • East Bay Bike Coalition

  • City of San Leandro Department of Transportation

Available funding opportunities:

  • STEP

  • ATP

  • Federal safe routes to school grant program


Strengthen San Leandro's bike community.

Elements SL50 will write into grants:

San Leandro 2050 will develop an ambassadors training program responsible for the following elements:

  • Bike/Ped Bus System

  • Internship program

  • Parent engagement and education

  • Community bike rides

  • Policy advocacy

  • Bike repair subsidy program in partnership with local bike shops

Partners we will work with:

  • East Bay Bike

  • BPAC

  • Bike Walk San Leandro

Available funding opportunities:

San Leandro 2050 will conduct a fundraising drive with the goal to raise $50,000 for a bike ambassador program.

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