Earlier this summer, San Leandro 2050 partnered with El Tímpano, a local non-profit, to amplify the voices of San Leandro’s Spanish-speaking residents and listen to their concerns and needs regarding climate change. Led by El Tímpano staff, interns and staff of SL2050 spoke with Latino residents and asked them to complete surveys at various locations including Taqueria Guadalajara and surrounding businesses as well as San Leandro Public Library during their Bilingual Story Time. A total of 106 surveys were completed. Asked about their most pressing concerns, most community members shared that the relationship between climate change and underlying health conditions was of the highest concern, ranking asthma and connected health concerns to wildfire smoke and extreme heat. Drought conditions also ranked high on the list of concerns. Asked about preferred solutions, survey participants most often favored the addition of more trees to the city, accessible community gardens, and better options to walk and bike. Collecting this data and connecting one-on-one with San Leandro’s Spanish-speaking community helps us understand their biggest climate concerns and changes that could help make their lives better and healthier. Would you like to suggest a partnership San Leandro 2050 should explore? Click here!
