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Spring Brings New Events to San Leandro 2050

San Leandro 2050 began their first in-person community events in April! After holding our listening sessions with neighbors and residents exclusively online during 2020 and 2021, it was a big relief to get outside and enjoy face to face discussions. We were so excited to be able to interact directly with residents and hear San Leandro’s emissions related issues, their possible solutions and the benefits to climate related problems. People are excited to be out and about, and able to participate in these events. If you were among those we had the pleasure to meet and speak with, thank you so much for joining! great to hear about our neighbors 'concerns and dreams for San Leandro.

We were lucky to be invited to several really great events. We presented at Earth Day at Casa Peralta, Eco Day at the Boys & Girls Club, and the Gathering downtown–all huge successes! These get-togethers highlight that people are missing the opportunity to gather together in person with neighbors and friends to celebrate, enjoy the outdoors and talk about our community and their hopes for San Leandro’s future. Below we share the top questions we ask for opinions on- we’d love to hear from you too!

  1. Which of the following issues related to air pollution and climate change worry you most?

    1. Diesel Trucks Heavy Traffic Businesses

    2. Heavy Traffic

    3. Asthma

    4. Heart Disease

    5. Wildfire

    6. Extreme Heat

    7. Flooding

  1. Which of these air pollution and climate change solutions would you most want to see choose two:

    1. Affordable Solar for Homes

    2. All-Electric Homes

    3. Safer Walking and Biking

    4. More efficient and Affordable Bus and Bart

    5. Affordable EVs

    6. Reroute Trucks

    7. More and better housing I can afford

    8. More Green Space for everyone

    9. More things I can do with my community like community gardens

    10. Street Trees

  1. What is the highest priority item that you would like to see change in your neighborhood?

We will be continuing this outreach throughout the summer and fall. Below are some of our upcoming events–we’d love to see you at one of these!

  • Community Food Pantry at Bethel Community Church July 14th at 5-7pm

  • SL 2050 Neighborhood Gathering in Davis East, 1005 Minerva Street, July 11 at 5-7pm

  • Farmers Market, San Leandro Main Library, Aug 10, 3-7pm

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